The sand on the shore is gold dust to your eyes
The ocean's the sea of life.
A turtle's your chariot and time is your man,
Your eyes see the Darkside of the Moon
Don't listen to the angry clouds as thunder bursts your ears
Don't worry, remember the rain will come
To ease the throbbing of the years
So you can hide away your fears -
Don't worry!
Your eyes see the Darkside of the Moon,
Sitting alone, in the afternoon.
I want to tell you, my girl, what it's like
To live your life on the Darkside of the Moon
Live For Today
A Ghostly finger points upon the time in which you stand.
If not for that the grass would grow alone, in fields of sand
Which melts from heat your body sends with love from you to me
And cries its tasteless tears for them and all the World to see.
The early evening Sun, with blood red light, sinks to the sea
In which life seeks to live in peace devoid of misery.
As stars ten billion miles away shine faintly in the sky.
They Live For Today, for tomorrow they die.
An ocean filled with water cannot know which way to turn.
Living life so endlessly, the Sun will only burn
And life will shrivel in belief that nothing can go wrong.
Live For Today and you will find -
Tomorrow will be gone.
I see hate floating down through the trees
Landing smack upon a raging sea.
Madmen down below get stuck in oil,
I'll move before my blood starts to boil
In case I see something I'll then regret
Everybody loves a little baby.
Don't you tell me now that that's a lie.
But what I don't understand is why
When that child grows up he's made to cry.
Couldn't they just sit and work it out now?
Words stream fast now that the plug has blown
Like a lava flow in every home.
Words of wisdom nowhere can they be seen.
All I want to do is wipe the slate clean.
They can't seem to grasp the mystic rights
That we're left, inherited each night.
On the pillow dance the ghosts of millions,
People that we thought long since departed.
Now, before my eyes, I see our deaths.
The Cat
I was sitting by your backdoor, heard your front door slam,
Waiting for you to call inside your cat.
I knew the scene you'd create would be one of havoc
But that was a chance I had to take.
Cos I can't live without you woman now.
I can't live without you girl, and how!
You open your backdoor, a tear on your face.
Your cat's disappeared without a trace.
You look at me with that smile of yours
And I look around with The Cat as my cause.
Cos I can't live without you woman now.
I can't live without you girl, and how!
Zero Time
I feel a rush of air on my face and I know you've opened the door.
The wind comes screaming in as I lie, crawling around on the floor.
You leave me once again and now I have no one to live for.
I'm living in a Zero Time where life seems much too long to bear.
A day will come soon when they drop the night without a care.
A day that's five years long is more than I,
More than I think's fair.
You leave me in this Zero Time and you must know there's nothing worse.
Like Tutankhamun in his grave your image leaves me with your curse.
A life that's singles out from millions
Ends quickly in remorse.
The Elephants were dancing round a Maypole and a tree,
The dog in front loves the dog behind,
Just like you and me.
The English pub collapses, like a pack of English cards,
I thought we'd have to die of thirst,
Instead, we'll have to starve.
The Maypole turns into the joystick of an aeroplane.
The air is thin, you're wearing specs
You look like Michael Caine
But your hair is longer and I'm sure
Your legs aren't quite the same
And that's not saying much for the rest of you.
Dark Round The Edges
Fight, they can't starve so they'll fight,
No money for their bakers' plight.
Can't pay, so they're locked away,
Justice is not for those who say;
"Please citizens let us have just a little more gold.
Then we'll be able to pay for our bread and your dough".
But no go.
St. Antoine cannot take anymore,
Aristos better look for the shore.
Peasants out of poverty rise
Against gentry who think they'll get a fair trial.
They didn't think that a peasant could get so angry,
So now they will lose their heads unless they learn to flee
To Germany.
Au même temps, à la Bastille . . . . .
The Bastille gate was fastened tight,
Window bars blocked out the light,
A frightened man sat through the night, and he cried.
The thunder stopped, the gate was raised,
He'd lost his fight, could not be saved,
They led him to the shining blade
And he died.
See me dancing, I can't move my feet.
Now I'm out there shouting
Down in the street.
And when they see me
They all know my name.
I gotta funny feeling
Nothing is the same.
Feeling good now, food on my plate.
You're past your bed time, honey,
I'm past my sell by date.
Looking outwards I see the light of day,
Like a Holy man, forgotten how to pray.
'Cos I'm standing,
Standing in the Shadow Of The Rain.
See me falling, I try to catch your hand.
Like a stranger from a distant land.
Know the language, I can't hear you speak.
Like a drunken man
You make my knees go weak.
'Cos I'm standing,
Standing in the Shadow Of The Rain.
See me dancing, I can't move my feet.
Now I'm out there shouting
Down in the street.
And when they see me
They all know my name.
I gotta funny feeling
Nothing is the same.
Feeling good now, food on my plate.
You're past your bed time, honey,
I'm past my sell by date.
Looking outwards I see the light of day,
Like a Holy man, forgotten how to pray.
'Cos I'm standing,
Standing in the Shadow Of The Rain.
See me falling, I try to catch your hand.
Like a stranger from a distant land.
Know the language, I can't hear you speak.
Like a drunken man
You make my knees go weak.
'Cos I'm standing,Standing in the Shadow Of The Rain
We were in a dream, making love unto a sky
That didn't want to know.
Trade was on my mind, whoa-oh.
Hand you over for a lung full of breath,
For a pearl full of sea, for a soul full of heart.
They could never feel all the colours of the day
They didn't want to show.
Leave it all behind, whoa-oh.
Pass you over for a hand full of doubt,
For a shoe full of sand,
For A Hope Full Of Holes.
Flashbacks come in the middle of the night.
Comfort me till the morning light.
'Cos I'm working, you know I'm working . . . . . .
Thoughts of leaving your life and all that you own
Come more often now that I can sit all alone.
I'll never, never figure it out
But I'm leaving, I'm leaving you need have no doubt.
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
There'll always be tomorrow?
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
Tomorrow never comes?
Oh if only, if only you'd listen to me,
I would tell you, I'd show you how happy we'd be.
Just a little more loving is all that you need
And I promise I will not succumb to my greed.
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
All you need is love?
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
I don't need your love?
Thoughts of leaving your life and all that you own
Come more often now that I can sit all alone.
I'll never, I'll never figure it out
But I'm leaving, I'm leaving you need have no doubt.
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
There'll always be tomorrow?
Wasn't it you who said from the start,
Tomorrow never comes?
Tell the story, put your shoes on and run.
Try to shoot them but you don't have a gun.
Watch this space 'cos the joke is on you.
Your ego tells you that you're one of the few.
Live tomorrow 'cos it all ends today.
A politician has got nothing to say.
Hate the people who don't buy what you sell.
You feel naked but no one can tell,
'Cos it's all too much to explain,
As the whole world slips down the drain.
And it feels like the 4th of July
Till the starving people walk by.
You're smiling at me 'cos I'm losing my nerve.
The attitude you give is all I deserve.
I think I see now where the easy life ends.
She laughs out loud while she's Killin' My Friends.
But it's all too much to explain,
As the whole world slips down the drain.
And it feels like the 4th of July
Till the starving people walk by.
Take two steps backwards, towards my home.
The streets are empty, I walk alone.
Take two steps forward, I see a different light.
Just like a mirror, where will I be tonight?
Well it's all too much to explain,
As the whole world slips down the drain.
And it feels like the 4th of July
Till the starving people walk by.
Fight, they can't starve so they'll fight,
No money for their bakers' plight.
Can't pay, so they're locked away,
Justice is not for those who say;
"Please citizens let us have just a little more gold.
Then we'll be able to pay for our bread and your dough".
But no go.
St. Antoine cannot take anymore,
Aristos better look for the shore.
Peasants out of poverty rise
Against gentry who think they'll get a fair trial.
They didn't think that a peasant could get so angry,
So now they will lose their heads unless they learn to flee
To Germany.
Au même temps, à la Bastille . . . . .
The Bastille gate was fastened tight,
Window bars blocked out the light,
A frightened man sat through the night, and he cried.
The thunder stopped, the gate was raised,
He'd lost his fight, could not be saved,
They led him to the shining blade
And he died.
Anonymous Days
All The Loving I Need
A sleepless night's not a welcome sight to me
I lie awake and I wonder what can be
The trouble now, I double take,
You don't know all the loving I need,
For Pete's Sake.
I close my eyes hoping sleep will come today.
You're in my thoughts, dream along, you're here to stay.
Another night, another day,
I can't stand All The Loving I Need,
Another day.
The morning brings no relief, no company.
I'll spend the day without you that's plain to see.
As darkness falls my thoughts will be
Where I'll get all the loving I need,
Why can't you see what's happening to me.
Look at my face, my mind's out in space.
I look to the light, I'm losing my sight.
I can't seem to see 'cos day turns to night.
Life's mystery is so hard to find.
It don't mean a thing when you're losing your mind.
You walk to the door and stare at the floor.
Your hands start to shake, you can't take anymore.
Spoke to me but I was Miles and Miles Away.
Called my name but I was Miles and Miles Away.
I turn to her to try and take the pain away.
Can't you see that I'm on the edge of my mind?
Too close to call, I stumble and fall.
You can't run a mile with your back to the wall.
In the blink of an eye I fall from the sky.
Her face seems to change as I watch her walk by.
Spoke to me but I was Miles and Miles Away.
Called my name but I was Miles and Miles Away.
I turn to her to try and take the pain away.
Can't you see that I'm on the edge of my mind?
I'm travelling East, the rag top down.
A hundred miles to reach the next town.
The Sun is up, the pedal to the floor.
I gotta move on, she's gone for sure.
Spoke to me but I was Miles and Miles Away.
Called my name but I was Miles and Miles Away.
I turn to her to try and take the pain away.
Can't you see that I'm on the edge of my mind?
I saw the rock face crumble,
I heard the silent night.
I saw the darkness tumble
Out of a dazzling light, out of a dazzling light.
I clapped the night's performing,
I cheered the painted face.
I screamed a global warning
To all the Human Race, to all the Human Race.
But I didn't see the ships go under.
And I didn't hear the tolling bell.
At the sound of distant thunder
I was wrapped up in my cell.
So we screwed the Bank of England
Like it did to us before
And we tore the souls within them
Toying with the lion's claw.
On Came The Midnight while she was staring
Into my eyes.
Vision in black she entered my dreams
And stole my disguise.
She was the midnight, beckoning me
With ebony eyes,
Telling me stories, melting the truth
And selling me lies.
I saw the fires burning, I saw the tapers lit.
I felt the seasons turning out of an empty pit,
Out of an empty pit.
I dreamt I held the answer
Here in the palms of my hands.
I watched the timeless dancer
Sprawl in the shifting sands,
Sprawl in the shifting sands.
But I couldn't taste the day's successes
As I missed the final act.
Hidden from the night's excesses
I was fiction, you were fact.
So we pooled our few resources
And we shared them one by one
As we rode abandoned horses
Beneath the dying sun.
On Came The Midnight while she was staring
Into my eyes.
Vision in black she entered my dreams
And stole my disguise.
She was the midnight, beckoning me
With ebony eyes,
Telling me stories, melting the truth
And selling me lies.
The broken sun glides through a black veiled glow,
Trying vainly to hide, like an eagle in the snow.
The last desperate ray pushes weakly through a sky
That has lost the will to live
But found no courage to die.
The might and the force of an army of souls
Rises up in the night from their desecrated holes.
Thus the touch paper lights and the reckoning begins.
Devastation for the loser
Living death for he who wins
.Sitting, back curled anxiously,
With his parchment and his pen,
The weary watcher tired of seeing
Blood again and again
,Casts out his eyes, yet the ears remain
To tell him that the World's
At Journey's End.
Artefacts From The Black Museum
The Elephants were dancing round a Maypole and a tree,
The dog in front loves the dog behind,
Just like you and me.
The English pub collapses, like a pack of English cards,
I thought we'd have to die of thirst,
Instead, we'll have to starve.
The Maypole turns into the joystick of an aeroplane.
The air is thin, you're wearing specs
You look like Michael Caine
But your hair is longer and I'm sure
Your legs aren't quite the same
And that's not saying much for the rest of you.
I couldn't see 'cos the trees were too high.
A naked blackness beheld my eye,
Near the Sun, where liquid diamonds lie
In The Sky.
There hang the lives of forgotten soldier men
Who fought their way to death and glory then.
It can't be wrong for us to mourn them still
I see your face in the water.
Sliver hair and freckles of gold.
You don't love me but I know you oughta
Before your time is much too old.
I know you see me girl
So please believe me
That you're Wasting Your Time in the morning,
Rising with sleep in your eyes
I know I'll never come calling
And neither will all of your guys.
You leave your front door wide open
An invite to enter within.
To find that life in your garden
Is worse than it's ever been.
Stop Wasting Your Time,
Stop Wasting Your Time.
I Could Have Sworn that your eyes did not lie,
But I must admit you are clever.
I Could Have Sworn that your lips did not move,
But you must have said something to her.
She looked at me and suddenly said,
"An hour ago I would have fled,
But I've seen through the guise you have cleverly donned
And can now understand your smile".
Oh girl, dear girl, I can't understand your carefulness.
Oh girl, sweet child, I only want to say that
I like your dress.
Oh girl, dear girl, I can't understand your carefulness.
Oh girl, sweet child, I only want to stay in
Your warm caress.
I was sitting by this river feeling very sad,
I had lost my girl. the only thing I had
But then you might be asking me why I am so glad
Well she came back and she loves me, yeah
And that's why I'm not sad.
You see I wrote this letter to her
On that fateful day.
Asking her not to go away,
Begging her to stay.
She wrote me back this letter
Saying she was oh so sad
And she'd come back to me to stay
And that's why I'm not sad
I see hate floating down through the trees
Landing smack upon a raging sea.
Madmen down below get stuck in oil,
I'll move before my blood starts to boil
In case I see something I'll then regret
Everybody loves a little baby.
Don't you tell me now that that's a lie.
But what I don't understand is why
When that child grows up he's made to cry.
Couldn't they just sit and work it out now?
Words stream fast now that the plug has blown
Like a lava flow in every home.
Words of wisdom nowhere can they be seen.
All I want to do is wipe the slate clean.
They can't seem to grasp the mystic rights
That we're left, inherited each night.
On the pillow dance the ghosts of millions,
People that we thought long since departed.
Now, before my eyes, I see our deaths.
All through the day and all through the night
All I wanna do is fly my kite
'Cos I've got a ball of luminous string
And that's just about the greatest thing.
I've flown it high and I've flown it low,
How it's done I just don't know
But it defies old Newton's Law
It's the funniest thing I ever did saw.
Wondering why - all my tears have gone dry.
Wondering why - all my years have gone by.
Following all the trails of emotion
That just add to my confusion.
Welcome To The Edge
I couldn't see 'cos the trees were too high.
A naked blackness beheld my eye,
Near the Sun, where liquid diamonds lie
In The Sky.
There hang the lives of forgotten soldier men
Who fought their way to death and glory then.
It can't be wrong for us to mourn them still
I Could Have Sworn that your eyes did not lie,
But I must admit you are clever.
I Could Have Sworn that your lips did not move,
But you must have said something to her.
She looked at me and suddenly said,
"An hour ago I would have fled,
But I've seen through the guise you have cleverly donned
And can now understand your smile".
Oh girl, dear girl, I can't understand your carefulness.
Oh girl, sweet child, I only want to say that
I like your dress.
Oh girl, dear girl, I can't understand your carefulness.
Oh girl, sweet child, I only want to stay in
Your warm caress.
I see your face in the water.
Sliver hair and freckles of gold.
You don't love me but I know you oughta
Before your time is much too old.
I know you see me girl
So please belive me
That you're Wasting Your Time in the morning,
Rising with sleep in your eyes
I know I'll never come calling
And neither will all of your guys.
You leave your front door wide open
An invite to enter within.
To find that life in your garden
Is worse than it's ever been.
Stop Wasting Your Time,
Stop Wasting Your Time.
Alternative Lyrics
We hear the sirens at midnight.
Down to the shelters we dive.
Fire and shrapnel surround us,
The melting and maiming arrive.
Dead eyes have pleaded with them
And you must believe me
That they're wasting their time, now they're mourning.
There's nothing left but their cries.
We cannot rise from this darkness.
A World that was ours, now dies.
The steel doors are wide open.
An invite to enter within.
The code is set and the keys begin turning.
It's worse than it's ever been.
Stop Wasting Your Time,
Stop Wasting Your Time.